Friday, April 17, 2009

Bloomy blows it

This NY Times article recounts an unpleasant encounter between a blogger with a disability and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg at a news conference.

This would not be a big issue, except for the fact that Bloomberg reportedly showed little patience when the blogger's tape recorder began playing and distracted the mayor during his remarks. Blogger Michael Harris was insulted and embarrassed by Bloomberg's tirade and you could argue that Harris may have overreacted a bit.

A member of the mayor's staff did little to diffuse the situation with remarks he made later. The staff member pointed out that Bloomberg's office has been accommodating to Harris in the past by providing him special transportation, which is very nice and above and beyond what would be done for other reporters covering the mayor. Patting the mayor on the back for making sure that wheelchair access is available at official events is a bit over the top, however. We can't wait to see Bloomberg's staff praise the mayor for making sure that there is a Malt Box and electrical power at the next news conference so that TV and radio reporters are afforded access.

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